How to Find the Best Dentists in Costa Rica?

How to Find the Best Dentists in Costa Rica?

Congratulations on choosing Costa Rica for your dental care. Costa Rica is one of the world’s top dental tourism destinations with good reason. Dental care in Costa Rica is world-class. Dentists in Costa Rica are well-trained and the best dental tourism clinics offer dentists and staff that speak fluent English. The top dental tourism clinics in Costa Rica have advanced dental technology, in-house radiography departments, onsite dental labs and offer a wide range of dental procedures at prices that are usually 50-70% less expensive than the same care in the United States and Canada.

You’ve decided to come to Costa Rica for your dental care. Now you need to choose the right dental clinic and dentists for your specific needs. As a non-healthcare professional, you may be confused by the number of clinics and how to choose the best clinic for your needs. Since 2012, has been helping international patients find high-quality, reliable dental clinics in Costa Rica.

The best way to choose a dentist is to spend time with multiple dentists and see which one best suits your needs and your personality. The quality time you spend with the dentist during the consultation will simplify your choice. Successful and experienced dentists spend considerable face-to-face time with patients to understand their dentition, medical health information, and dental problems. A detailed dental evaluation of the patient’s oral health is the bedrock of quality dentistry.

Most patients however, don’t have the time to conduct this in-person, face-to-face research. We’ve put together some simple guidelines to help you choose the best dentist in Costa Rica for your needs.

Top Considerations for Finding the Best Dental Clinics and Dentists in Costa Rica.

Accreditation: Choose accredited dental clinics in Costa Rica. This will narrow your search quickly, as there are only a handful of accredited dental clinics in Costa Rica that meet international dental care standards. You can email for a short list of accredited dental clinics in Costa Rica.

Certified Specialists: Look for licensed and certified specialists. The majority of dentists in Costa Rica are general dentists. General dentists are helpful for routine dental care like cleanings, fillings and teeth whitening. But if you need dental implants, crowns, veneers or a full mouth restoration, you need to find licensed, certified specialists.

Dental Implant Specialists: If you’re looking for dental implant experts in Costa Rica, don’t fall prey to general dentists who call themselves dental implant specialists because they have completed a measly short-term dental implants course. The only specialists who are sufficiently skilled at placing dental implants are periodontists and maxillofacial surgeons. If the clinic you are considering does not use a licensed periodontist or maxillofacial surgeon, it’s best to seek another clinic.

Experience: Look for clinics that have experience performing the procedure you need. The best way to discover this is to send an email to asking for a referral to the best dental clinic for your needs. The patient coordinators at Costa Rica Dental Guide will review your needs and recommend the top clinics with the best level of experience and top specialists.  

Multi-Specialty Clinics: Most patients require a variety of procedures including cleanings, root canals, crowns, veneers, dental implants and perhaps even oral surgery. Some of the best clinics in Costa Rica are multi-specialty clinics that have a large team of dental specialists in various disciplines. These clinics treat the needs of most patients under one roof, often saving time and money.

Pricing: We understand that pricing is an important factor when choosing a dental clinic in Costa Rica. However, many patients that make pricing the most important factor, end up regretting it. Most dental clinics in Costa Rica will save you from 50-70% on your dental care when compared to prices in the USA and Canada. However, the best clinics in Costa Rica will not be the least expensive. All dental clinics in Costa Rica purchase their materials from the same suppliers. If one clinic is offering much lower prices, they are likely using substandard materials or inexperienced dentists. Choosing your dentist based on the lowest prices is a recipe for disaster and may jeopardize your health. Instead, focus on choosing the best dental clinic and then working with them to get the care you need at a price you can afford.

Full Service: Experienced dental tourism clinics offer a high level of service to their international patients. Leading dental tourism clinics offer free airport pickups, free hotel to clinic transfers and help with accommodations. Some clinics even have their own guest houses to help patients manage their accommodations needs while in Costa Rica. conducts an annual survey to rank the best dental clinics and specialists in Costa Rica. This helpful survey will help you find the best dental clinics and the most qualified dental specialists in Costa Rica.

James Madigan, CEO