Removable Dentures are Being Replaced by All-on-4
Unfortunately, some people lose several teeth.
When the number of teeth lost is considerable and the missing teeth were on the same side of the mouth, a denture was typically used.
Today, removable dentures are being replaced by sets composed of a bridge with implants. One of the most common of these sets is the all-on-four solution, a bridge that is supported by four implants.
The main reason both dentists and patients prefer a bridge over a denture is because a bridge is fixed, while a denture is removable. An all-on-four solution doesn’t have to be taken out for cleaning every night. It stays in place and it is cleaned mostly like natural teeth, although regular visits to the dentist that include cleaning are still necessary. An all-on-four solution doesn’t get loose during conversations or meals. After a couple of weeks, the patient doesn’t even feel that the new bridge is any different from natural teeth. Most importantly, it never needs to be pulled out in public, a situation that many people who use dentures fear.
The procedure requires at least two visits. During the first one, the dental surgeon will evaluate your mouth, take x-rays, discuss your dental and health history, and evaluate you to find if you are a candidate for an all-on-four solution and if so, the implants will be inserted. In a few, rare cases, some remaining teeth will have to be pulled or some bone grafting will be done. In the second visit, the bridge with the replacement teeth will be set over the teeth. Note that the procedure and number of visits may vary from patient to patient, depending on the needs of the patient.
All-on-four solutions typically last for life. They are as strong and look as natural as natural teeth. Their only disadvantage is that they are extremely expensive in the United States and Canada, especially because extra items like x-rays, pain medication and others aren’t included in the price. Also, patients who can benefit from all-on-four solutions sometimes need more dental work, which increases the price further.
In Costa Rica, you can get an all-on-four solution and all the extras that you need at very reasonable prices, without sacrificing the quality of the services. Dentists and dental surgeons in Costa Rica are responsible, experienced, speak English and have received their training in the best schools of Costa Rica, the United States and Europe.
Contact us today and speak to one of the dental specialists listed in the Costa Rica Dental Guide about your needs and discover how affordable an all-on-four solution will be for you.

She has appeared on CNN, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning and the BBC.