Dental bonding is perhaps the easiest, the most conservative, the least invasive, and the least expensive of all cosmetic dental procedures, and can usually be done in a single office visit, unless several teeth are involved. On the other hand, treatments like veneers and crowns must be manufactured in a lab, and two dental visits are needed. Bonding can make an amazing change in your smile in just that one dental visit, and in some instances, you don’t even need to be numbed!
People of all ages can benefit from cosmetic bonding: Children, adolescents, adults and senior citizens alike can improve their smiles and appearance. Bonding is simply the application of a tooth-colored composite-resin – a durable material composed of acrylic plastic and porcelain powders — to fix problems like the shape or color of a tooth. It is used in fillings and in veneer-like resurfacing.