I authorize CostaRicaDentalGuide.com and GuíaDentalCostaRica.com to promote our clinic on the aforementioned websites at no charge.

Legal Representative


1. I declare that all the information noted above is true.

2. I authorize you to show the clinic’s advertisements free of charge and through both websites.

3. I authorize the use of the name, commercial logo, and business photos.

4. I authorize the use of the information given for a term of 5 years with an option for another 5 years, if neither party requests the termination of said contract.

5. I commit to send the logo, photos and descriptions of the Clinic to the email care@costaricadentalguide.com.

6. I understand that patients can leave reviews about my clinic. I authorize CostaRicaDentalGuidecom and GuiaDentalCostsaRica.com to publish the reviews.

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Email care@costaricadentalguide.com to reach one of our patient advocates and to learn more about affordable dental care in Costa Rica.